PS: that art is a little outdated, her appearance isn't exactly right but it's somewhat similar.
Species: Partial-Creator
Status: Cursed (related information is classified)
Danger class: None, we have her under control.
General information
Behemoth is a Partial-Creator with origins similar to Belial's. She is Cursed with the same effect as the one they have.
She is close to not only Belial, but also their Creations, as her origins are related to them. More information about her curse and origins can be found at Belial's page, since they are the same.
Behemoth is a rather quiet person, but not shy. She's very imposing, capable of intimidating a person by sight, however, she's very friendly to people it knows. Her facade comes from the duty they're given, rendering her unable to spend time doing the things they want as she's too busy making sure that people won't have to fall at the hands of The Void.
To the people she knows, they're very friendly and looking for any way to help, but also always looking for revenge and spiteful, willing to find ways to communicate just to spite the fact that she's mute.
Behemoth is fiercely protective of Belial and Belial only. Despite her attachment to their Creations, she'll always put Belial on the first place. Her relationship with the Creator is that of a parent to a child they adopted, only hesitating to the face of CODENAME-000.
Behemoth has a large, imposing figure, comprised of little fat and a lot of muscle. The main color of her fur is a dirty yellow, the only changes to her fur being at her wrists, ankles and ears, where there are darker markings. At their snout, hands and feet, the fur fades and is instead replaced by dark purple scales. At the snout, near her nose on the upper jaw, there is a band-like dark purple marking that stops where the upper jaw does. She has two bended horns that stem from the area above the eyebrows under two of her eyes. Under its jaw, at their neck, there are four long spikes, two on each side.
On her right wrist, there is an infinity-like symbol which represents her curse.
Her tail is big, entirely covered in soft fluff that's pleasant to touch.
It has three eyes, two on each side of her head and a vertically-positioned eye on her forehead. The eyebrow of the eye on her left has a slit. Her scleras are pitch black, and her pupils look like black holes.
Power level: Pure Creator
Resistance level: Partial-Creator, their essence bears Chaos magic.
Behemoth is able of creating plasma, capable of shaping it into objects as needed. Despite having similar origins to Belial, she can't spread Void like they do. Her unique power lies in the ability to concentrate a ginormous amount of plasma in one spot, creating black holes with ease, in which she can hide. They can turn each black hole into a while hole, effectively making her capable of rapid travelling through the wormholes. Behemoth is capable of regenerating like an average Creator, but she can't sustain too many wounds because she's a Partial-Creator
A common strategy she uses is that of creating several black holes around the opponent, jumping into one, and turning another into a while hole for a fraction of a second, enough time for her to travel to the other side to launch a surprise attack on the confused opponent.